Radiance will run live for 4 weeks starting May 15th

The State of Her Mind
The Vitality of Her Body
The Harmony of Her Emotions 
The Wisdom of Her Soul

The State of Her Mind
The Vitality of Her Body
The Harmony of Her Emotions 
The Wisdom of Her Soul

Monet Berthiaume

Mother of 5 , a Tarot/Oracle Reader
"Within 48 hours of beginning Layla's Radiance program I went from feeling uninspired and lacking that sense of excitement, joy, and passion in my life to booking 2 client's and feeling inspired and motivated for my dreams to come to life!!!! Another 48 hours I had another 2 clients booking sessions!!! 96 hours, a total of 6!!! The knowledge, wisdom, advice along with the exercises that Layla provides will really change your life! It did mine!"

Loylou Van Asbeck

Theta Healer & Wellness Advocate
"Radiance made me realise and look through my mindsets and limited belief sysytem.
I still cant explain exactly what happened but soon after stepping into Radiance my whole life started moving. 
It is incredible what happens when you focus and change your mindset.
Sometimes I can't even catch up with the speed of my life now but I love it"


Become the Master of Your Mind
  • Move from Victimhood to Mastery.
  • ​Release conditioning.
  • Re-program your belief system.
  • ​Navigate your fears, doubts, & insecurities.
  • Harnesh your focus.
Activate Your 
Body Wisdom
  • Sensuality & sexuality.
  • ​Hormones, cycles & how to feel good in your skin.
  • Rediscover your body’s biology, and how to make it work for you.
  • Reconnect with the source of all power: Your pleasure!
Listen to Your
  • Learn how to create alignment to channel your unique gifts.
  • ​Discover how to live your life ‘on purpose'.
  • ​Reconnect with the Sacred & Mystery.
Harness Your Emotional Waters
  • E-motions. Energy in motion, become an energy bender.
  • Enter flow state.
  • Create a magnetic field of elegance, grace & presence
  • ​Maintain your presence, no matter what life throws your way

Women across the globe have been deeply moved by this impactful work.

Their sincere words & heartfelt experiences speak volumes, conveying more than I can express.

Each one of them chose to leave a testimonial for other women in the same journey because they are all deeply committed to feminine liberation. 

Witnessing these women blossom throughout the years is been the greatest gift of my career.



  • ​Carefully curated journey, unlocked over 4 immersive modules with multiple chapters each.
  • Live calls with Layla for 4 weeks starting May 15th at 8pm Bali | 1pm London | 4pm Dubai | 8am New York
  • ​​All pre-recorded video modules.
  • ​A beautiful wisdom manual with all the practices, created to lock in the teachings and help you embody them in your everyday life.
  • Membership An Exclusive Radiance Community with sisters from all over the world on the same journey. 
  • Guided meditations.
Delivered over 4 powerful modules, the Radiance Program with Layla distills the most transformative tools from over 15 years of research & embodied experience in ancient wisdom practices and the cutting-edge science of self-empowerment & feminine leadership.
Join the Radiance program:

$555 USD

Hey gorgeous. 
I'm Layla.

Mentor, Somatic & Embodiment Expert, & Super Advocate of Feminine Leadership

Over the last 10 years, my passion for personal transformation has taken me all over the world studying, mastering, and distilling the most potent tools and techniques for self-empowerment.

From Tantra to Taoism, Meditation, Breathwork, Somatic Therapy, NLP, & Ancient Wisdom; I’ve dedicated my life to the work of helping women reclaim their radiance by activating their Feminine Power.

The Radiance Program is the culmination of all of these years of study & experience packaged into an easy-to-follow system designed to set you up for success!

Hey gorgeous. 
I'm Layla.

Mentor, Somatic & Embodiment Expert, & Super Advocate of Feminine Leadership

Over the last 10 years, my passion for personal transformation has taken me all over the world studying, mastering, and distilling the most potent tools and techniques for self-empowerment.

From Tantra to Taoism, Meditation, Breathwork, Somatic Therapy, NLP, & Ancient Wisdom; I’ve dedicated my life to the work of helping women reclaim their radiance by activating their Feminine Power.

The Radiance Program is the culmination of all of these years of study & experience packaged into an easy-to-follow system designed to set you up for success!

Tap into your true potential.

Join the Radiance program:

$555 USD

Words of Confidence

Oumayma Rose

"Radiance provides all the ingredients necessary to ignite our remembrance. The wisdom principles to feed our intellect, the practices to embody that wisdom and the container to feel safe, heard, seen and loved. Radiance is like the sacred fire."

Victoria Mannel

Health & Wellness Mentor

"I just finished your courses, I couldn’t stop watching and doing the exercises and I will keep doing and integrating them. And I needed to cry, as I am so touched and so incredibly Happy that I feel My Power and My Energy and I AM finally proud and happy with my feminine body!"

Farzana Khubchandani

Global Product Lead
"Completing 'Reclaim Radiance' and 'Younique' is just the beginning of so much to come. Thank you Layla for sharing so much of your life's experience with me and holding a mirror to dare me to see how I can live, lead, and serve with greater consciousness."

Reggie River Bear

Luminary Artist and Ceremonialist
"Layla has developed a beautiful way of bringing together the best of both worlds. Her depth of understanding of the physiological and scientific side of things to bringing in ancient wisdom through the Taoist lineage - combined with a deeply enriching emotional connection to this material from having lived this wisdom for so many years. This is the very thing that takes her transmission from being informative to being deeply, genuinely transformative."

Emilie Sickinghe, Belgium

Women Empowerment Coach
"Queen of queens, thank you for your inspiration, your love, your strength, your truth, your passion, your willingness to be broken again and again by life, just to get closer to the truth, just to suck out all the marrow from the juicy bone of life. Thank you for being that person who EMBODIED so much of what I was hoping one day to embody."

Mary-Ann Illing

Somatic Womb Mage
"Thank you so much for seeing me, your love and making me feel safe. There really has been a shift in me, because of you, the modules, and the sessions. Introducing me to a sisterhood. These beautiful, powerful, inspiring sisters. I didn’t know, I needed it so much. You are needed in this world, at this time. In my eyes, breaking through taboo’s. Showing your process, taking us with you. "

Growth Requires Moving Beyond What We Think is Possible.

Make Radiance the next step on your journey:


 © One Love Rising P.T.